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Kožo najprej očistite z Eucerin DermatoCLEAN blagim čistilnim mlekom. Z Eucerin DermatoCLEAN odstranjevalcem ličil za oči odstranite še zadnje sledove ličil za oči.
Eucerin DermatoCLEAN osvežilni tonik nanesite na blazinico vate in nežno obrišite kožo, da jo pripravite na nego, ki sledi.
Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler nočno kremo nežno vmasirajte v kožo na obrazu, vratu in dekolteju, pri čemer se izogibajte občutljivemu predelu okrog oči. Za še boljši učinek zapolnitve gub poleg Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler nočne kreme v svojo vsakodnevno redno nego kože vključite še Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler dnevno kremo za normalno do mešano ali suho kožo, kremo za okrog oči in koncentrat.
Glavne ugotovitve
Vse sestavine izberemo z največjo skrbnostjo in nikoli ne sklepamo kompromisov glede kakovosti. Izvedite več o ključnih sestavinah tega izdelka.
Enoksolon, znan tudi kot gliciretinska kislina, izvira iz korenin kitajskega sladkega korena. Zavira encim hialuronidazo (HYAL1), ki je odgovoren za razgradnjo hialuronske kisline, in s tem upočasni razgradnjo koži lastne hialuronske kisline za več kot 50 %.
How do I know if Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler is the right anti-ageing range for me?
The Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler range has been specially formulated to tackle the first signs of ageing such as fine lines and wrinkles. While our skin is as individual as we are, and skin ages differently depending on our genetics and lifestyle, these lines normally start to appear around the age of 30. The products in the Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler range work to counteract the ageing process by plumping up deep wrinkles. For visibly smoother, radiant, and younger looking skin.
If a loss of volume is your primary concern (as is often the case between the ages of 40 and 50), then the Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler + Volume-Lift range has been specially formulated to plump up deep wrinkles and redefine facial contours for a lifting effect. If skin elasticity and deepening wrinkles are your primary concern (most common for those over 50) then we recommend the Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler + Elasticity range.
For more information on the different stages of skin ageing, and to help you find the right product for you, read our article on facial skin at different ages.
At what age should I start using Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler?
Our skin is as different as we are, so the answer to that question varies from person to person and depends on many factors both internal (such as our genetics) and external (such as the amount of sun our skin has been exposed to). As a general rule, the first signs of ageing such as fine lines and wrinkles start to appear in our 30s and that is when we recommend you start using the Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler range. If you are in any doubt please read our article on facial skin at different ages or consult a pharmacist or dermatologist.
Why do I need a night cream?
Skin regenerates overnight. As well as moisturizing skin, night creams contain ingredients that stimulate the cell regeneration process. In Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler Night that active ingredient is Dexpanthenol which supports skin renewal overnight. Night creams are also SPF and pigment free.
What is the difference between Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler Night and Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler Night Peeling & Serum?
Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler Night is a nourishing overnight moisturizer that works to visibly plump up fine lines and wrinkles. It also contains Dexpanthenol that supports skin’s regeneration process overnight. Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler Night Peeling & Serum has been formulated to be used in conjunction with Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler Night, providing dual efficacy for smooth and radiant skin. The gel formula contains both high and low molecular Hyaluronic Acid, while the emulsion contains Glycine Saponin and an effective AHA (alpha-hydroxy-acid) Complex for exfoliation. Many AHAs are known as fruit acids.
When combined together the gel and emulsion promote skin cell renewal and refine skin while plumping up even the deepest wrinkles.
Apply Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler Night Peeling & Serum followed by Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler Night.
High molecular Hyaluronic Acid improves hydration and smooths the outermost layers of skin while low molecular Hyaluronic Acid (which is 40 times smaller than the low molecular Hyaluronic Acid in the formula) penetrates further into the epidermal skin layers where deeper wrinkles originate.
Are you looking for a night cream to combat deep wrinkles and a loss of volume?
Try Eucerin Volume-Filler Night Care to plump up deep wrinkles and redefine facial contours.
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