Koža, nagnjena k nepravilnostim
DERMOPURE prekrivni stik
- (9)
- Korektor z dvojnim učinkom
- Zmanjša in prekrije nepravilnosti na koži
Visokokakovostni izdelki Eucerin temeljijo na obsežnih raziskavah in predanosti koži. Seveda Eucerinovi strokovnjaki dajejo velik poudarek skrbni izbiri sestavin za vse izdelke in omejujejo njihovo število. Kljub temu je v primeru intolerance ali alergij lahko koristno, da posamezne sestavine preverite v naši podatkovni bazi sestavin.
Glavna sestavina
Salicylic acid, a beta hydroxy acid, is an effective ingredient for treatment of acne-prone skin. It is a particularly effective ingredient that fights the causes of blemish-prone skin: blocked pores and bacterial growth. It is an antibacterial ingredient with an exfoliating and comedolytic effect: it counteracts Cutibacterium acnes, a bacteria that can trigger acne outbreaks, it dissolves & removes dead skin and opens up clogged pores and softens the skin to even prevent blocked pores. This small lipophilic acid penetrates into pores for deep pore cleansing. Overall, it improves the appearance of the skin: it reduces blemishes and prevents them from re-appearing.